
Yayet, John, Han King, and the Lurah of the Village

Blueprints show elevation and terrain that require proper pipe for water flow to the villages in the Lembang area. This project will serve approximately 47,500 people in the three villages. 

What in the hell are we doing?

Han King and John look on as the project progresses. Many hours of planning happened before the actual work began. This project started with Elder Walker and Elder Davis. Hopefully, it will come to completion soon. 

This is the sort of shovel these Indonesian men use.

The village men dig three feet trenches to place the pipe. Then they come back and cover it up. Smiles show their excitement for the project that will bring water to their villages. Hatur nuwun!

Not an easy job

The AW pipe first laid has been removed.  Now heavy PE pipe is used. PE pipe is more flexible and will stand more pressure in the line; thus, less likely to spring a leak. 

The bonding of PE pipe requires Tyco's special machine.

Wawan and Putres align two pipes for the heating process. Pipes must be cut properly, placed in the brace straight, plates heated, placed, and clamped together. This machine along with a generator was carried up and down the mountainside. Technical difficulties stopped the process often but finally after three days and much work the lines were connected. (Men stayed on-site over night to prevent vandalism.)

Pipe laid across Air Terjun Maribaya

LDSC and Villagers several months ago laid the pipe up and down steep mountainsides and across rivers to fill holding tanks that would distribute water to three villages; Desa Mecar Wangi, Desa Pager Wangi, and Desa Langen Sari

Pressure Control Valves may be the problem for lack of water flow.

John and Wawan share a tight area as they work on the pipes. 

Pressure Control Valves removed.

The leaking of these two pipes caused erosion of cement and lack of water flow. Now what? Add a steel cylinder between the two-chazam-water flows and no more leaks. 

Water tanks hold 500 gallons of precious water

Pipes run from the tank along the side of streets, around walls, and to village homes. Edi-site supervisor, Yayet-head of clean water committee , Wahyu-LDSC worker, and Han King-project manager inspect connections. 

Rohana has been carrying water in ten gallon containers for home use.

Edi, Yayet, farmer Sudarma and his wife Rohana, Deena, Pranyoto, Wawan, Wahyu, John, Han King and Villager celebrate water coming to their home. 

Water in my bathroom!

Can you imagine "NOT" having running water to your bathroom? This sweet woman no longer needs to spend hours waiting in line for water. And often when it is her turn, the water is gone from the pool she dips into. She is very happy and will be attending the closing ceremony of the Lembang Water Project August 15, 2009.

Oooh So Nice!

The first bath with running water to my house. I love it!

Come See Indonesia From Our Eyes

Another year- 2010. Great adventures await. Family is great. And soon this year will be over too.